3、原版游戏中,先看同列,看看有没有蒙头,再看天地支、天地支、地地支,可以根据原游戏的等级来决定; F0t阴阳术
4、Whenat the ,years, and, first look at theof , year, and month to see if the head and feet have been cut off. Itbewith eachof the, and theyearbewith eachof theand the Great Luck. The same is true of , but they are allfrom thestems and the. When theof grams isthan theof , itbe . The more the more . F0t Yin-Yang
。- Tang Wang 's "Deng " When you can fly, don't give up .
5、When there are one or five , 0 grams is a, and when there are two five , 3 grams is a. F0t Yin-Yang
F0t Yin-Yang |Chen Zen -
"" ,do not! F0t Yin-Yang
F0t Yin-Yang |Chen Zen -
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