阴阳学说在中医学的应用,第五个问题,指导疾病的防治( 五 )

过去我们称它为辅助物比类,也叫拍照类 。在逻辑上属于类比思维 。用,那么肝肯定不是木,它们不等价,木有这样的性质,比喻肝也有这样的性质,肝主疏通,有直的特性,但绝不是等价的,它们是还是有区别的,但最重要的是,中国古代思想家敢于将肝定义为具有木属性,便于考察事物之间的关系,体现了丰富的想象力和创造力 。因此,中国人传统的类比思维具有高度的想象力、丰富的创造力和强大的生命力 。它是科学研究中科学创造性思维的最基本的思维方式 。当然,类比只是像,是相似,绝不是判断的“是”,是非的“是”,也就是说和原型有一定的区别,但毕竟有它的优点,这是一个宝贵的优势 。现代科学中的系统思维也是如此 。充分运用类比思维的方法来考察事物,也是培养学生创新能力的第一基本功 。要培养学生的创造性思维能力,首先要培养的是逻辑思维,(是)类比思维能力 。没有这个,就没有创新,也就不可能有发明创造的能力 。但从逻辑上讲,类比思维得出的结论,因为是相似的,所以不是“是”与否,也不是一定的“是”,肯定有不确定的部分 。当我们理解五行论的思维方式时,我们不看结论和不确定的部分,而是着眼于检验和继承其极富创造性和丰富的想象力,并用这种系统的观点来审视事物。通过这张表,这些想法应该被读出,而不仅仅是记忆 。这是中医的思维方式,是中国古代科学的思维方式,是中医重要的思维方式之一 。
在第一个三、中我们讲了五行论的基本内容 。五行论的基本内容,一、五行生克的规律,称为五行生克 。第一定律称为五行相生律,五行相生 。然后记住它的定义,记住它的具体规律 。五要素是什么?五行相生,是指五行相生相生的关系 。它是一个关系范畴,一个概念 。,pay , in our field of, when we read "Basicof", when we talk about, wethink of theof the five . We can omit the "five ". In, only, then otherthink of theof the five . , thebe that the fiveeach other,than justto theof. But under, in our book "Basicof", only the word "" is .who reads this book will think that the fiveareto each other. That's a. ,note thatterms haveandin. The same term hasinand. In this case, it is firsttowhatarea it is in. Theof the fivemeans that the fivebreed andeach other, which is such a . It'sthe Five . So what about the law of ? Wethe order ofand theof. The law ofisby , and the cycle is .pays , itone after , and the cycle is . Weawood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Wood canfire, fire cansoil, soil canmetal, metal canwater, and water canwood, and the cycle is . This is one of the laws of its, its order. 二、Thethem.any two lines,to the law of, there is a -child . Take wood, fire, and earth as . Wood canfire. Wood is theof fire, and fire is the son of wood. So what about fire to earth? Fire canearth, fire is theof earth, earth is the son of fire. Among the five , any onecan be both aand a child in the. That is, in terms ofthe two lines, look at this line, such as fire, for wood, it is the son of wood, and for earth, it is theof earth again. That fire can be a child or aunder. You have to be verywith this .
The fiveof 二、 are. Theof theof the fiveto thethe five . The law of theof the five , the order of 一、, istheof each other by order, and it is. It is said that woodearth, earthwater, waterfire, firemetal, and metalwood, which isorder and phase , and this orderbe . this is one. The first 二、 goes back and forth , it is . Thethe fiveand thethe twoistheand .aterm, theofhas aofand , whowho. For ,water and fire as an , water canfire, water isby fire, and fire canmetal, and metal isby fire. Any line,with other lines, its, and theoflines, then it can be aor a loser. , theterm thatin—theand ,to thethe fiveand thethe two . Then any line can be won or , juston who it iswith. That's it for this .

