新高考 2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试卷( 六 )

A.首联指出诗人的客位和心境,“客”指出形势,“龙钟”描写诗人的心境 。
B.下楹联渲染雨时和雨后的气势 。视听结合,场面震撼,描绘山间暴雨的壮丽景象 。
C.颈楹仔细观察雨中的变化,竹枝倔强的立着,高高的山角上,风一吹,光露 。
D.诗中有许多双关语 。“暗”、“明”、“阴阳”不仅是天气变化,也是对当时抗金形势的隐喻 。
16 。杜甫《秋风破草堂》中也写到,雨水从破屋漏出,没有干燥的地方 。借房屋漏雨的情况,简要分析杜氏所表达的感情与这首诗的区别 。(6 分)
17.填空下列句子 。(6 分)
(1)在“子路、曾熙、冉有、宫熙华服坐”中,冉有在陈述自己的“足球”心愿后加了“,”,显得很谦虚 。
(2)孟子在《齐桓晋文》中说,“,”,明君规定百姓的财产,必须使百姓吃饱 。他们是好的,但他们年轻的时候不好不要饿死 。
(3)在《朱之武退秦时》中,朱之武对秦伯说,如果你放弃攻打郑国,以东路为主,“”,不会对你造成任何伤害 。。
阅读下面的文字并完成第 18-20 题 。
中国篆刻艺术是中华民族的宝贵遗产之一,有着2000多年的悠久历史 。中国篆文是篆文的首选,故称篆刻篆 。早期以铜、金、玉等作为印刷材料,后来以石头为主 。石印材料的使用,为文人墨客用刀印开辟了一片新天地 。雕刻有两种刀法:冲刀和切刀 。Theknife, much like thein , which can show the ; theknife, and iscut with a short-range , just like thebrush in , which can show theandof the way. , Thick and. Whenseals arewith iron , they not onlytheof, but alsotheof.
sealandthe ages have oftentheirinto their . Many ,andof the pastused seals, and manyalsoon ,and . They often used somewords or poems as theof the seal.such seals,are oftenbyin China.
新高考 2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试卷
18. Fill in the words on theline in the text in turn, all theone is (3 )
A. , ,and , have a, andgrow in the dark
B. , , , soft-,
C. Learn from ', be , , , and
D. Learn from ',and , with deepand sense of , and
19. Thewith wavy lines in the text have. The mostone of theis (3 )
A. Whenseals arewith iron , they not onlytheof, but alsotheof.
B. Whenseals arewith iron , they not only show theof, but alsotheof.
C. Theseal iswith an iron knife, which not onlytheof, but alsotheof.
D.seals arewith iron , which not onlytheof, but alsotheof.
20. Thebelow is the seal work of "Houde Zaiwu",itsinwith the above . (5 )
(二) andUsage Ⅱ (2 sub-, 9 )
Read the text below and21-22.
isby aof , ., bone mass in the human body peaksthe age of 35 and then. ,afterold age, the lost bone mass will bethan the newlybone mass. If there is noat this time,will occur, which is also the mosttype,for theof . 90% 。At ,knows that theandoftake ,D, and more sun . , if theisto a large "",istoonlyand tiles andtheof the . In , we need to go back to the root of the- aging, (), to make it more .
21. Fill in thein . The mostone is (3 )
A. To start to solve theof, so as to "" the bone
B. To "" the boneto solve theof
C. To "" the boneto solve theof
D. To start to solve theof, and to "" the bone
22.fill inat thelines in the text, so that thetext isand , theis , and the logic is , and each place does not10 words. (6 )
四、 (60 )
23.阅读下面的材料并按要求书写 。(60 )
1: Bing Xin once said, "May there bein your life toa".
2: In the 2022, Suwon the men's bigand won the 6th gold for China,theof the totalof goldof thein the, and alsothe goal of theteam. Aof zero goldin this . As a child, Suin many film andandachild star. But it was also out of his love forthat hegave up hisand chose toaskier. At thewhen Chinabid for the 2022in 2015, hein his heart atothein the 2022.梦 。Seven years of hard , 320 of the 365 days a year are spent ,all the way,thedream andalife.

