元宵节是几月几日英语 圣诞节是几月几日英语( 二 )

9. play a trick on sb 作弄某人;
10. go traveling 去旅行
11. go up 上升
12. watch lantern shows 观看灯展
13. at midnight 在午夜;
14. sweet dumplings 汤圆
15. lucky money 压岁钱
16. guess riddles 猜谜
17. enjoy the bright full moon 赏月
18. trick or treat 不给钱就捣蛋
19. good luck 好运
20. give sb. treats 招待某人
21. decorate sth with sth 使用某物装饰某物
22. at the end of 在…末端
23. show one's love to … 向…表达爱意
24. be happy to 高兴做某事
25. give best wishes to sb. 给予某人最好祝愿
26. by the fireplace 在壁炉旁
27. watch sb. doing sth. 观看某人正在做某事
28.watch sb. do sth.

元宵节是几月几日英语 圣诞节是几月几日英语

1. Please give my best wishes to your parents 请把我最好的祝福送给你的父母 。
2. Please show my love to your parents. 请带我向你的父母问好 。
3. Thank you for your letter 感谢你的来信
4. I’m looking forward to your letter 我期待你的来信
5. People enjoy a one-day holiday. 人们享受一天的假期 。
6.In China, the Spring Festival is a big event. 在中国,春节是一大盛事
7.Christmas is the most important festival in many countries 圣诞节是最重要的节日在许多国家中
8.They are very happy to get lucky money from them.他们很快开心得到压岁钱 。
9.They always think the presents must be from Santa Claus! 他们肯定是来自圣诞老人 。
10.They show their love for their mother by giving cards.他们通过给卡片的方式向妈妈展示爱心
11.They usually greet each other and say, “Merry Christmas!” 他们通常问候对方并说“圣诞快乐”
12.Chinese people eat dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances.中国人吃饺子舞狮舞龙 。
13.people eat sweet dumplings for good luck,watch lantern shows and guess riddles on lanterns. 人们吃汤圆以求好运,看灯会和猜灯谜 。

元宵节是几月几日英语 圣诞节是几月几日英语

假设你是李华,刚收到Julia的来信 。 请你根据提示回信,告诉她昨天你过春节的一些情况 。 开头已给出,词数在60个左右 。
提示:早上你和家人一起去超市购物;下午在家大扫除;晚上一家人包饺子、吃团圆饭、守夜;一起等待新年的到来 。

Dear Julia,
I’m very glad to get your letter. I had a good time yesterday. It was the Spring Festival. In the morning I went shopping in the supermarket with my family. We did some cleaning in the afternoon and made our house more beautiful. We made dumplings together and had a big dinner in the evening. We stayed up until midnight to welcome the Spring Festival. We had a nice time.
Best wishes to you!
Li Hua

元宵节是几月几日英语 圣诞节是几月几日英语


