麻衣风水堂:麻衣神相之面相_( 五 )

【麻衣风水堂:麻衣神相之面相_】22、鹅宫(牙根左右和鼻梁的位置)一、断根的人常有病 。事故多半关系到生命安全 。你应该远离家乡,出国谋发展 。二、如果山根上有纹身的人适合纹身,很容易收养别人当收养的孩子,或者被别人收养 。如果是合适的模式,要小心意外的灾难,尤其是车祸 。如果是头上的直纹,就是五马分身的纹路,要小心意外 。如果是横条纹,要小心隐藏的疾病或挫折 。挫折是指婚姻和事业上的挫折 。三、印堂有青筋的人一定要预防肾病 。必须防止身体虚弱 。四、看到鼻梁可以防止身体不断遭受灾难 。为了防止不幸的婚姻,一次又一次地结束它们 。五、鼻梁上有青筋的人可以预防肠胃炎、慢性支气管炎、便秘或痔疮等慢性病的出现 。当心危险的邪恶入侵 。六、根部丰满的人,身体强壮,抗病力强 。夫妻俩的婚姻生活幸福美满,白凤和明 。财源广进,好运连连 。备注:山根低或有痣横纹:人生易出车祸,注意40、41岁大难 。长寿:一生中事业或婚姻都会有相当大的挫折 。If molesor theis dull, the blame is the same as above, and the main body is weak,or poor. Male: It is easy to bebysex. : It is easy to beby men, and theissick andby .at theof the roots and the , the darkof the roots is ato . The girl's life was dark and gray, and the two sides of thewere in the Duff seat. There must be a fact of . The black qi in therootthe year,theis sick, the morethe black qi, the morethe , and even death. A mole at the root of theis the main , thewill , and the male will . The mole on the upper part of theroot isby theof , and most of the left and right sidesfrom.

