公章诞生:受过高等教育,读书态度稳重,能吃苦,听从老师教诲,循序渐进,一步一个脚印 。
官杀杂:学历低,意志力薄弱,缺乏决心,学业不成,杂学无用 。
赚钱的食物:受过高等教育,聪明灵活,反应敏捷,学习能力强,类比,注重知识的实用性 。
吃喝不节制:文化低下,顽皮小精灵,不爱读书,过度放纵,常沦为太保太妹 。
伤员印刷:受过高等教育,理解力强,喜欢课外活动,但内敛,行为端正,知识渊博,有上进心 。
伤官见官:学历低,缺乏自信,经常弄巧成拙,因聪明弄巧成拙 。还是为了家庭努力工作,上学难 。
富贵体弱:普通的教育,重的享受,强烈的虚荣心,想学更多,但经常半途而废,上学时担心父母 。
体力、财力薄弱:学历一般,志向远大,技能低下,智商低下,努力白费 。
贪财破印:学历低,物欲横流或外在诱惑,读书不专心,聪明却被聪明误会,学习过程曲折多,老师苦恼 。
食神杀人:受过高等教育、把握时机、乐于阅读、良好的学习方法、正确的养育方式 。
财务官员的优点:受过良好教育,才华横溢,善于阅读,把握重点,学以致用 。
Theis too : low ,by , oftenbysex ,andto learn .
India aresick: low , slow , , slow ,in,inbooks, orby .
is ause,on theandto look at(this is a bit close to thelevel of )
arefrom the sky, notto :or above .
If you meetStar again:or above.
Theis clear, but the land is not , but theisby the moon order: the .
If you are luckyto help you:or above. If the year is not good: .
are , and they can't get land, and they can't makehelp every month: .
If you are luckyto help you:or above. If the luck is not good: highand.
Theis , and theis : highand high.
If you are luckyto help you: Highandor above. In case of bad luck: below high .
of this, manywill say that the Bazi is so , and they can knowI am going toor ahigh . This is just aview of Bazi . In fact, iton a 's . Into theof the eight ,and thearethatbe . As,are also of the times. , ais a mark of, it does not, but a 's moral . A highis nottothe aura ofor , and awith a lowmay nothave poor.one : pay will be , hard work will be .
A 'slevel andor , there are manysigns in the four .you canenter aor anofnot only on theof the, but also on thein theof the year. Don't you know that somedid not study well in, but afterhighor high , theirwilland they will rank among the top. Or study well inand, but afterhigh , theare not good, and thefails. Somestudy very well. They fell out of the list this yearof their poorin theexam, but they are on the list in the next year's exam. These arebyin the year's . To be able tothe year of , not onlyon theof the, but alsothein theof the fivein the. Below are some of the. It is notto see that theofthe luck of the year is moreand theofis used.
(1)Theoffrom :
1、 and kill both
2、 andis
5、 and
6、Wood and fire are
7、, white, water and clear
8、Water and wood are
9、Fire and water help each other
11、 andshow
12、True God can use it
14、Firstand thenmoney
15、Jin Shui Xiang Han
(2) study :
1、 than
2、@ > andto
3、 and
4、Mixed soil and water
6、rich and weak
7、greed for money and bad seal
8、water isand gold is
9、and heavy
10、Owl God grabs food
To judge theof, focus on the fate of the game Theandof the .
The level ofisby fate. The child'slevel can be seen at abyat his"Eat ", andwith " ", we can come to a:
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