并且会对其他人很感兴趣,想更多地了解其他人的星盘有这两个星座的人往往具有天真和不值得信任的矛盾品质 。这个正方形也有夸张和粗心的倾向 。这两个星座都与信仰有关 。如果形成一个正方形,很容易引起政治和宗教的冲突 。类人的信仰和意识形态往往是对立的,很难理性地捍卫自己的信仰 。如果水星的能量很强,这种趋势就会得到缓解 。他们经常发现他们的宗教和政治信仰与手头的情况相冲突 。必须进行一些调整 。火三 火相会增强人的热情,带来享受生活的能力,并为直觉和以自我为中心的倾向提供一些支持 。这些人关心未来的动向,能凭直觉嗅到未来的可能性,但如果没有方阵,这些可能性就很难成为现实 。这种类型的人喜欢冒险,很容易渗透到需要它的环境中 。因为他们根本不知道恐惧,所以他们不觉得勇敢 。他们中的大多数人从事让他们兴奋的活动,他们喜欢热切地从事某事,保持活力,不相信会发生任何不好的事情,至少他们有信心自己会受到保护,而且这种信心也他们倾向于保持他们远离伤害 。这些人享受带给他们的娱乐,但实际上并不采取行动或采取戏剧性的行动 。金钱问题的安全性通常非常关心他们星座中地球标志三角形的人 。这是因为他们最关心的是如何实现财务独立和物质安全 。这个相位带来实用和可靠的现实和社交品质,并希望在物质世界中产生一些具体的东西 。他们知道什么时候吃饭以及如何照顾自己和他人 。风象星座我会永远记得我第一次教占星课的时候 。There was ain my class who came to class every week and Shesits in the front row with anofon her face but never takes any notes and doesn't seem to make anyTheI liked wasat the time, so Iifwas wrong with me. Did my class make her feel ? Did shewhat I wasabout? If she did, why would she keepto class? Then I found out that herhas the bigof the air sign and she has taken all theout there but no . She takessheall kinds of. Shethe mind. The main point I would like to point out is that air signs do notor hard work, nor do theyruleorin the same way thatsigns do notrule the. In fact, air signs or theirthem. It is one'stoand . The trine of the air signone'stoand adapt to aofbut does not. ItmoreandThere are otherin the . , the trine of the air sign,the great , will causeand . Suchare verywith theirand do not feel the need to. , if If there arein the 3rd and 9th , orforms many, the abovewill be . The trine of water signs will have. If a largeof water signs is , then Needs aremet so there is no need to deal with the issue of . The water sign trinethetoand. Thefor theseis to seek . How they feel aboutThere is a keenthatthey like theiror not is notby theof how theybe . , we can say that the trine of the water signtheofand is moreto . But we have tothatandare not the same thing, so a trine in a water sign does notmean that you canyouror share yourwith . to how you feel aboutbut notthanis thetothemforif awho lacks a water sign gets into anwith awho has many water signs Thenwho lack the water sign are moreto shed tears or worry, while those with more water signs aretotheirand even lessthan those who lack the water .mayboth 's ,they are morein this area, are notbyor evenby these types ofwho are notwithinthey canandA trineto the water sign makeseasy to beand more
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