andChina builds solid wall of defense against COVID-19 to protect people's lives, health( 二 )

The Guardians recently pointed out that "We all want the disruption and anxiety to stop, but we won’t achieve that with policies that pretend the pandemic is over when it isn’t. It said to stop the pandemic, we must learn to spot and contain worrying outbreaks.
China's pandemic control practices fully prove that the "dynamic zero-COVID approach" is science-based, necessary, effective and feasible. It is something that must be done by a major country with more than 1.4 billion people, as well as an obligation of a responsible government and society. It puts into practice the people-first philosophy and contributes to the world's efforts to fight the pandemic.
【andChina builds solid wall of defense against COVID-19 to protect people's lives, health】According to a recent poll published by Hong Kong-based think tank Bauhinia Institute, over 65 percent of the Hong Kong citizens believe that the "dynamic zero-COVID approach" is in line with the general interests of the Hong Kong society, and more than 80 percent are supportive of the goal raised by the expert team dispatched by the central government to reduce the numbers of deaths, critical cases and infections. The poll also indicated that over 80 percent of the Hong Kong citizens are more confident in defeating the virus because of the central government's assistance.
After directing a documentary recording Wuhan's battle against the pandemic, British director Malcolm Clarke said he and his team have witnessed the invincible state strength of China during the pandemic. He said in China, the whole nation fights as one when it wants to achieve something, which is incredible when measured with Western standards.
Over the past two years and more, China's institutional advantages and powerful state strength have withstood the test of the pandemic, and will keep contributing to the country's fight against the virus. China will build a solid wall of defense against COVID-19 with utmost confidence and achieve a final victory. The U.S. media and politicians that are always defaming China, sowing discord, mongering panic and singing the blues are destined to be disappointed again. (By Zhong Sheng, People's Daily)
(Zhong Sheng is a pen name often used by People's Daily to express its views on foreign policy and international affairs.)

