
*本文摘录自12月27日Forbes(福布斯):For 2022’s Color Of The Year, Pantone Created A Surprise(2022年的年度色 , 潘通创造了惊喜)
For several years now, ever since Covid has kept us socially distanced and working from our homes, the colors driving the world of interior design have been in the blue and green range. We yearn for their soothing tranquilityand reminders of nature, experts say. We want our surroundings to evoke the forest, the sea, misty summer mornings, lush green fields and sunny blue skies.
自从因新冠疫情迫使我们保持社交距离和居家办公以来 , 这几年主导室内设计界的颜色一直都在蓝色和绿色的范畴内 。 专家们表示 , 我们渴望这些颜色带来的宜人静谧并且让人联想到大自然 。 我们希望周围的环境可以唤起对森林、大海、雾蒙蒙的夏日清晨、郁郁葱葱的田野和阳光明媚的蓝天的情感 。
But the color chosen for 2022 by Pantone, the international experts on all things hue-related, is at the opposite end of the spectrum: Very Peri is decidedly purple.
与所有事物色调相关的国际权威机构潘通公司为2022年选择的颜色却是在光谱的另一端:长春花蓝(Very Peri)是绝对的紫色 。


Billedby Pantone as“a new Pantone color whose courageous presence encourages personal inventiveness and creativity,” this color will shape the fashion, interior design and arts industries.
潘通公司称其为 “一种新的潘通色彩 , 以勇气十足的风貌激发个人的创意与创作力” , 这种颜色将塑造时尚、室内设计和艺术行业 。
“Very Peri brings a novel perspective and vision of the trusted and beloved blue color family, encompassingthe qualities of the blues, yet at the same time with its violet red undertone, PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri displays a spritely, joyous attitude and dynamic presence that encourages courageous creativity and imaginative expressions,” says Leatrice Eisman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute.
潘通色彩研究所执行董事莉亚翠丝?艾斯曼(Leatrice Eisman)表示:“长春花蓝为值得信赖和深受喜爱的蓝色系带来了新的角度和视野 , 它涵盖了蓝色的特性 , 同时又具有紫红色的韵味 , 长春花蓝 PANTONE 17-3938 彰显了一种灵动、愉悦的态度和充满活力的姿态 , 鼓励勇敢的创造力和充满想象的表达 。 ”


Soon after the color’s unveiling, Microsoft partnered with Pantone to bring Very Peri to life in the digital world, including in Microsoft tools like custom Veri Peri Teams backgrounds, Windows wallpapers, a new Microsoft Edge theme, and a PowerPoint template. Legrand gets its purple on with Very Peri-hued light switch wall plates.
在长春花蓝色揭晓后不久 , 微软与潘通合作 , 将这种颜色带入数字世界 , 包括像定制长春花蓝团队背景、Windows壁纸、新的Microsoft Edge主题和PowerPoint模板等微软工具 。 罗格朗(Legrand)公司通过长春花蓝色彩的灯具开关壁板来实现紫色调 。


Antiques purveyor 1st Dibs is dusting off everything purple, from love seats to blown glass vases. RoomMates is issuing its popular peel-and-stick wallpapers, including their Disney Princesses line, in shades of purple.
古董拍卖网1st Dibs正在为所有紫色的东西掸尘 , 从双人椅到吹制的玻璃花瓶 。 RoomMates正在发售流行的即剥即贴壁纸 , 包括他们的迪士尼公主系列 , 都是紫色的 。
We seem to be ready to embrace a new hue.

